S2E10 - Child's Play (2019)

Time to sing the "Best Friends" song.

After a month break, Dan and Andrew return to discuss one of the less-talked about horror remakes of late, 2019's Child's Play.

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S2E9 - Graduation Day (School's Out Forever Week 4)

I guess "Sports Day" was taken?

Episode Notes

The trilling conclusion to "School's Out Forever". A young athlete dies in a freak running accident (falling over), and now it is up to her estranged sister, a disrespected cop, and a possibly-Irish-possibly-Lebanese Inspector to find the killer.

Find out more at https://primitivescrewheads.pinecast.co

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S2E8 - Detention (2011) (School's Out Forever Week 3)

What did we just watch....

Episode Notes

Dan and Andrew discuss one of Andrew's favorite movies. Well... they try... it's really hard to talk about.

Find out more at https://primitivescrewheads.pinecast.co

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S2E7 - Final Exam (School's Out Forever Week 2)

The movie that's a wet or dry fart

Episode Notes

In week two of School's Out Forever, we discuss the 1981 slasher flick Final Exam. College kids with one defining character trait, off screen kills, and a prank where the local frat fakes a school shooting? What else could you ask for!

S2E6 - The Faculty (School's Out Forever Week 1)

Usher's staring role as a character with two lines

Episode Notes

In this week's episode, the only thing scarier than a hivemind of teachers is when Andrew forgets to turn his mic off panoramic mode. Join Dan and Andrew as they re-live the 90's in this classic alien invasion that Dan was too afraid to see as a child.

S2E5 - Velocipastor

A man of the CLAW

Episode Notes

In this episode, Andrew gets wayyyy to into a terrible movie, and the world questions what Dan talks about his junk.

S2E4 - The Invisible Man (2020)

Hollow Man 3?

Episode Notes

In this weeks episode, Dan and Andrew discuss the 2020 film, The Invisible Man.

S2E3 - The Boy

BOY. This week Andrew and Dan discuss the 2016 creepy-as-fuck doll flick The Boy.

S2E2 - Doom Annihilation (2019)

RIP AND TEAR! This week Dan and Andrew discuss the 2019 straight-to-netflix based-on-a-video-game these-are-all-good-signs movie Doom Annihilation.

RIP AND TEAR! This week Dan and Andrew discuss the 2019 straight-to-netflix based-on-a-video-game these-are-all-good-signs movie Doom Annihilation.

S2E1 - Train To Busan

Two Month Break? What are you talking about?

In an attempt to pick a movie we disagree on, Dan chose Train to Busan, the 2016 Korean zombie flick that takes us back to the nostalgia of the country we met in.